Welcome to my home! As this is my favorite room, I shall begin my little House Tour series here.

Ah, my beautiful, comfortable bed. That's my side, over there on the left. I was inspired by the hotel vibe. I love the puffy shams and swing arm lamps they have...something about the organized look makes me smile. I like to think that this decor reveals two things about me: 1. I like bright, cheery looks 2. I'm a Pottery Barn whore.
Everything is from Pottery Barn in this pic: Lewis Slipcovered Headboard, Heidi Stripe Duvet & Shams, Hudson Wide Bedside tables, Chelsea Swing Arm Sconce Lamps w/Bisque shades.

Here's another view of my bed. I'm not quite certain what to do as far as bedside and above the bed art goes. For above the bed I've been thinking either one large piece or 3 small pieces would work well. I'm been combing through Etsy, but can't find anything yet. I tend to lean toward photography and Impressionist art. I saw
this piece at ZGallerie, but am afraid it might be too dark or big. Any suggestions?
(And if you think this looks sparse, you should have seen it sans duvet and any furniture and no accent wall. De-press-ing!)(
UPDATE: Here it is before! I found a pic.)

I think this pic from O at Home resembles my general look, minus the leather and layering. I would love to find a piece of that proportion to put over my bed. I'm hoping to have some luck at
Artigras in February.

Moving in a clockwise fashion, this is my dresser (that's my bathroom in there...perhaps another tour). It's oversized, reaching up to my 5'3" upper stomach area. I got it for a steal at my local furniture warehouse AND I used my recently gained
Tupperware commission to pay for the whole thing. So very technically it was free :)

This is my jewelry board and frame tray. My mom got me the bulletin board and I decided having all the baubles out in eyesight is much easier than storing in a drawer. I got the idea for the tray made from a frame from Real Simple a year ago. Since I took this picture 2 weeks ago, I have since found a gorgeous pink paisley scrapbook paper to fill the frame.

Closeup of the jewelry board. Lots of Banana Republic, homemade, and NYC street finds represented.

Closeup of tray. My 3 perfumes in constant "mood" rotation. Some vintagey looking frames behind my grandmother's old pillbox and powder compact. Very classy lady. Miss her.

Continuing around the room, this is the view from my bed. The door to the left leads to the hallway, while the door on the right is my hubby's closet (mine is through the bathroom, weird, but realllllllly happy to have his/hers). The watercolor is by
Chris Hartsfield, an amazing watercolor artist I discovered at a festival a few years back. It is of a Stargazer Lily, my favorite flower, and was given to me by my grandmother, my favorite person. Very appropriate. Hopefully this Christmas we'll be replacing the tv with a nice LCD flat panel and a new stand. What I'd love on the right is a pretty club chair with a simple floor lamp to have a little reading/relaxing nook. But that's a whole other budget, unless I can find something thrift.
Thanks for looking. I hope you enjoyed the tour. Please leave any comments/suggestions/criticisms(but not too many of those criticisms) in the comments. Please do drop by again soon!
One of my many little side business is making jewelry boards. I use cork boards and I add vintage fabric, ribbon and paint the trim in different colors. You can either use them as a jumping off point for an inspiration board or for jewelry. Your's looks great!
ReplyDeleteI love the side lamps. They're on my future home list.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your email and for sending me this link, congrats on your lovely bedroom redesign!