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Happy New Year's Eve - 100th Post!!!

("Bean" in Chicago, image via flickr)

Reflecting on 2008
So thanks to Kay over on Apartment tbd, etc, I've been inspired to reflect on my 2008. How was yours? Stellar? Nothing to write home about? Celebrate tonight however you like and use 2009 to it's fullest. Enjoy yourself and fulfill all your wishes.

1. What was the best thing that happened to you personally in 2008?
Hmm, best thing? Honestly, I'd have to say that my 3rd year of marriage was the best thing. We've been married for 3 years and together nearly 10 (high school sweethearts), and it really and truly just keeps getting better. I love growing together and evolving into who we're both becoming.

2. what was the worst thing that happened to you personally in 2008?
My grandmother died. My Abuela. She was 90 years old and is hands down, absolutely, no possible doubt in my mind the best person that has ever or will ever exist on this earth. I love her to pieces and miss her dearly. She was an angel in life and now she's got her wings. I wish I could still talk to her...sometimes I still do.

3. what was the best thing to happen to all of us in 2008?
I think that although the recession has caused a lot of people to lose jobs and money, it has taught us a grander lesson that we just don't know what's coming and that we should be prepared on some level for what the future may bring. I'm all for living in the moment, but tomorrow is full of possibilities.

4. what was the worst thing to happen to all of us in 2008?
Same answer as before...the recession. There's obviously a negative side and it has affected very good people in very bad ways.

5. what was the best gift you received during the ’08 holidays?
My hubby really came through this Christmas! We kind of got each other a new tv for the bedroom, and we each got a new laptop. We had been sharing my 5 year old one from college and that poor little Dell was on it's last leg. Gotta love payment plans! lol I've been saving up for months and bought myself an iPod Touch, to which my hubby surprised me with Apple TV. I'm not 100% on all the amazing features, but I'm excited to learn!

6. what was the best gift (most appropriate or best received) you gave during the ’08 holidays?
I had a completely handmade holiday and sewed all my gifts (at least all the ones for females, anyway.) I made my husband's family a matching set of holiday oven mitts and they couldn't have been happier. My favorite and best gift I gave was the doll quilt and matching monogrammed totes I made for my nieces. They have the ever-popular American Girl dolls and these were perfect, especially considering their grandma got them all chaise lounges for the dolls, so now they have a matching "throw", lol. I also made my baby niece her own little baby blankie

7. do you have any regrets about what you did in 2008?
No regrets. I've been setting goals for myself each New Year for the past 2 years and I make them important and achievable. I feel I accomplished a lot, while still enjoying my time with family and friends. Regrets get you nowhere, except maybe to your next resolution.

8. do you have any regrets about what you didn’t do in 2008?
No regrets. There are, of course, certain things I couldn't do because of "lack of funding" but I think that's true for many people. I would have loved a special trip away, but that will come next year.

9. did you meet anyone that became important to you in 2008?
I didn't meet anyone new, but I have continued to become closer with newer friends and am trying to broaden my horizons and perhaps be less judgmental and accepting of others. Different from myself isn't a bad thing, it's just different.
to lounge with.

How was your 2008? Any grand plans for 2009?

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