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Before & After: Ironing Board

I am super excited about this little remodel. I couldn't stand the sight of this yucky old cover any longer and decided to do something about it.
Ironing Board cover - before
Here is the before of the standard-issue and horribly scorched original cover. I confess I added the piles of Nicey Jane to the picture to make it seem just a touch less yucky...did it work?

Ironing Board cover - after
And here is the fabulous after! I love it! It's so fresh and bright...quite an improvement. I lined it with muslin and installed a drawstring to make it nice and tight. Now I think the only thing missing is a layer of cotton batting and some Insul-Bright for the heat to upgrade the padding.

Ironing Board cover
This is how it will look most of the time propped up in the closet when it's not in use. So much better!

1 comment:

  1. Love the new cover! That is one of my favorite prints! I used it to cover my chair in my sewing area! :)

    Love your stack of Nicey Jane as well of course!


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