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Spotlight Featured Blogger

I'm super excited to be featured in the Follower Spotlight over on Ellison Lane Quilts today!
Go check it out to learn more about me, and while you're there, check out the blog! Jennifer is a great gal and I promise you it'll be worth a look around.

And if you're visiting from Ellison Lane, WELCOME! There's nothing I love more than having company over! :)


  1. I enjoyed reading about you on Jennifer`s blog and really enjoyed learning more about you. Jennifer is a great gal and super talented!

  2. Great idea! I usually draw a line with disappearing ink twice as far as I want my fold to be. So if I want a 1/4", I would draw a line 1/2" from the edge and then just fold up to that line. :)

  3. THAT'S a really great idea, Ali!


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